Kukula McDonald art at NGA and at KOG

Good, Strong, Powerful!  National Gallery of Australia is showing works by Kukula  and others from Mwerre Anthurre artists in this show which runs until 15 January 2010.  Check out these fascinating naive artworks by indigenous artists across Australia - all with some form of disability.  You might like to check out the NGA's downloadable fact sheet too.

At Kate Owen Gallery, we have a number of Kukula's artworks in stock... and being very impressed by her works and those of fellow artists Adrian Robertson and Billy Kenda, we featured an exhibition of works from her art centre earlier this year.  Kukula McDonald's works are presently focused on the wild black cockatoos of the Australian bush, and she captures the character and spirit of these unique birds perfectly  (not an easy task, as many an artist who has attempted it can tell you!) 

Kukula spends her life in a wheelchair and the first focus of her artwork was just that - Wheelchairs!  She painted them relentlessly and it is said that she knows every make and model of every wheelchair owned by an aboriginal person throughout the country!

Now her focus is on the black cockatoos and their environment.  A poignant subject as well, given that birds in artworks often represent a subconscious yearning for freedom.  Her works are a unique and delightful representation of these cheeky outback characters by a gifted and plucky artist.  

Digeridoo and Cello - playing at KOG!

Be blown away by the digeridoo & cello duet at our Shorty Jangala Robertson exhibition opening, Thursday 10th Feb at 6 - 8pm, 680 Darling St. Rozelle, Sydney. It's only 7 mins from the CBD.

Cello and digeridoo were born for each other!  The famous Charlie McMahon will play his digeridoo, (as well as his own invention, the digeriBONE) in concert with Anatoli Torjnski's cello.  Anatoli is a member of the triple ARIA Award winning group, Monsieur Camembert.  If you have heard these two guys play before, you will know you are in for a special treat.  All that, combined with the opportunity to GET YOURSELF A SHORTY!  It's opening night for our solo exhibition of Shorty Jangala Robertson - and we have a superb range of works, including many quite delicious and affordable smaller works.  And no aboriginal art collection is complete without at least one Shorty!  Look forward to seeing you there....

The Canning Stock Route Exhibition

At the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, it's extraordinary - visit http://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/yiwarra_kuju/ to see and read about it.  A most professionally presented range of work including many of the artists we sell, and many others we hope to stock in the near future.  If you have a chance to visit this show, make sure you do.  Not only for the stunning artworks but for all the supporting information about the project, the artists, the indigenous way of life, the meanings of the artworks and more....

If you can't get to see the exhibition, visit the Museum website - there's plenty to read and see. It's all interesting. 

photograph from National Museum of Australia website; Photo by Tim Acker.

'It used to be blackfella Country before they built the wells. Today it's a kartiya highway. Before it used to be Aboriginal people's land, our Jukurrpa (Dreaming), waterholes, jumu (soakwaters) and jila (springs). Blackfellas used to walk around — foot-walk — not with a camel. When they saw camels and horses they'd get frightened and run away. Martu people got shot in that Country, and at Kulyayi (Well 42) Wangkajunga people got killed.
Canning made a mess of the wells and Dreaming tracks and sacred sites and law sites. He used blackfellas to get where he wanted to go, to make his mark. So it's about kartiya coming and making that line of wells.
But in another way, all those wells opened up our Country for people to travel back to Country with their kids. Because if you didn't do that the Country would be lost. Now it's easier to get to Country. We've got our own story there, two ways.
We're all family. All the stories are about how all the families got scattered across the Western Desert. And at the nine art centres, we're all related. From Wiluna and Kiwirrkurra and Balgo, Mulan, and Martu Country. From Nyarna (Lake Stretch) right down to Wiluna. Our ancestors walked that land. The Canning Stock Route forced all the people to all different places. ' 

excerpt from Aust National Museum website.

Gabriella Possum painting in the gallery

Well, it's true - or at least Gabby says she is coming.  She IS a tad famous for not being where she says she will be, but she sounds fairly determined this time.

The plan is she will come into the gallery around 12 and be painting for us for at least the next week.
This means all her collectors and would be collectors can come in, have a glass of wine, meet Gabby and watch her paint.  It is fascinating.

Gabby, daughter of Clifford Possum, the most famous of all Australian indigenous artists, has as much talent as her father - some think more!  Her works are traditional but have a wonderful softness and beauty to them that was not usually seen in Clifford's work.  She is a consummate artist, mixing all her own paints, fussy about her brushes, and painting to the tune of a vision she holds in her mind as her stories unfold on the canvas.

Last time Gabby visited, some of our clients were lucky enough to commission their own works and watch her paint them.  You may be able to do the same.  this photo was taken last visit: the painting is only half way through, with Gabby laying out all the elements of a 'Grandmother's country' painting - my favourite subject matter for her works.